_There is no denying that a person’s self esteem is based a lot on their perception of how attractive they appear to other people. Someone who thinks that they are looking good and attractive will have a higher opinion of themselves than someone who, although they may be looking just as good, believes that they are not looking their best. This is why a lot of people in the media, sales and services areas have high opinions of themselves- they need to feel good about their appearance in order to perform well at their jobs relating to the public. Higher self esteem leads to greater confidence in your own abilities and this leads to more successful and fulfilling lives, and one of the most important factors in looking good is to have white, even and gleaming teeth.

My dentist once told me that one of the most popular cosmetic procedures these days is teeth whitening, and not just for anyone who is in the public eye, but even office workers, dinner ladies and students. This particular dental surgery carries out several different techniques, at varying prices, and has dentists trained at the best School of dental specialising in cosmetic procedures. A lot of these dental schools offer dental scholarshipsand are often a starting point for students interested in getting medical scholarships, maybe abroad to medical colleges in the UAE which is a popular destination for tourists looking for cheap treatments.

Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body and considering this, it is thought provoking to consider just what causes such total damage to teeth. The enamel is under attack all the time and the substance that causes decay is called plaque, which is the yellow stuff sticking to your teeth, especially around the gum area. This plaque contains bacteria which erode the teeth and also damages the gums, leading to gum disease and tooth loss, which is why it is so important to brush your teeth properly twice a day and to floss regularly.

Teeth also get stained by strong colours such as those found in tea and coffee as well cigarettes. So smoking is not only bad for your health and finances but also for your physical appearance as the nicotine in cigarettes causes permanent stains to form on your teeth, making them yellow and unattractive. Certain foods cause more damage than others, with the biggest culprits being anything containing sugar. Sweets, chocolates and crisps stick to your mouth, tongue and teeth and lead to the build up of plaque. Another thing to avoid is sweet fizzy drinks as these contain so much sugar and chemicals which attack your teeth straight away.

It is not possible to avoid all sugar since a lot of the time you do not even realise that it is present even in bland or savoury foods such as bread or beans, but you need to try and make sure that you do not neglect your daily dental routine.